Thursday, August 21, 2008

Summer 2.008 Recap

I bumped upon this great post by Mathew Inman who shares the State of the Web 2008 through a set of his own illustrations. I just thought it was a great recap of some very interesting and real experiences that transpired this summer. Click image to see the full summer recap.

So as the summer draws to an end and the kids get ready to go back to school next week, I thought I would share my own summer learnings and experiences.
Summer 2.008 brought many exciting and new experiences. I participated in the EduBloggerCon Unconference and the NECC Unplugged cafe where I met many great people and new colleagues that I now follow on their blogs via Google Reader.

I learned that an "unconference" at a conference is actually quite engaging and very powerful. I sat with some of the most talented and thought provoking educators sharing in a discussion about a book called "Here Comes Everybody" by Clay Shirkey and it was absolutely amazing. The conversations revolved around organizing ideas and groups to create meaningful results and actions and how educators could apply that to the institution we call school. I also learned a lot about ways in which folks are using Web 2.0 tools and resources. I learned to use wikispaces and update content to participate inside the bloggers cafe at NECC. I learned about Diigo to bookmark and highlight important web sites and create lists for others to view. I started this community blog to post my learning and then some. I learned that when you post items in your blog or other places like Classroom 2.0 or Facebook, people other than your co-workers or mom actually do read your posts and share them on their own blogs in their own language. I also learned that if you add a ClusterMap to your blog, you can track where folks are located that follow your posts. This summer I also turned 40 and it was a major turning point for me. So much so that I started 'boot camp' and riding my bike everyday. Let's just say that the joints and muscles haven't been keeping up. And then of course, my favorite - the iPhone 3G. I absolutely love it and have now become a mobile blogger and the proud owner of 43 new apps; mostly free ones of course... Also, my kids joke with me about every time I show folks the features of my new iPhone, I have to show them how you can take pictures and have them automatically sent to Flickr, Facebook and this blog. I could go on about this one...

I can't leave out my work stuff too. This summer 2.008, we launched a Facebook application for teachers we call "I Am Teacher." Grammatically, it may not be correct, but hopefully it's catchy. It's a great place for teachers to network and collaborate and share best practices. It also expands the WeAreTeachers concept of empowering teachers to share their knowledge with others. It's a great free app that continues to amaze me with the great discussions and teachers that make up the community.

So that's my summer update. My goal this fall is to learn ways to engage communities, reach out to more bloggers and colleagues in social communities, including our own, more actively rather than just reading about them. I'd also like to learn more about Second Life and how that applies to the work place and community engagement and I 'd also like to go on a great vacation with the family. That's my summer 2.008 update—I'll STOP there. Please share any great recaps you have had or items you think I should explore this fall. Have a great one!

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