Monday, December 7, 2009

VSS09 Podcasts

Thanks to Miguel for posting and sharing!

Assorted Podcasts from VSS 2009

Here are a few podcasts--in no particular order and in OGG format--from the Virtual School Symposium 2009 Conference...sorry to take so long to share them. These were actually recorded by a colleague to whom I gave a digital audio recorder. Unfortunately, I didn't get much identifying information from her so I will count on you to listen carefully!
  • Listen to Podcast #1 - This podcast discusses the use of mobile phones in the classroom. Shares the use of PollEverywhere. How to get out of the site-based model, lack of alignment to course design or quality assurance, no common learning experience for students because teachers innovated and went their own way, the importance of a cheerleader at the District level....
  • Listen to Podcast #2 - Differentiating instruction in online learning by Jackie Mangieri. Resources online at
  • Listen to Podcast #3 - Elements of course design and tools you can use to customize.....

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