Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Are you Geek enough?

So what type of geek are you? I recently came upon this interesting set of characters that illustrate 56 Geeks types by Scott Johnson.

I would definitely consider myself to be a Gadget Geek. I love my iPhone, widgets, and my son's PSP. I have more than 4 pages of apps on my iPhone and the list keeps growing. I can wear out my battery and never make a single call. Needless to say, I'm a gadget geek. I'm sure there are other types of "geekness" that I posses, but one that I think I am becoming more and more of is a Web 2.0 geek.

What does a Web 2.0 geek look like. Well, for me, it it would consist of a nerd type that enjoys Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Blogging, Stumble Upon, wikispaces, Ning, WeAreTeachers, Google Docs, Zoho, Vyew, Digg, Facebook, Pownce, and everything @ Go2web0.net. There are so many Web 2.0 tools and I enjoy learning about all of them.

Share your "geekness" or preview the list of geeks to see if any apply to you.

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