In a recent post from
Around the by
Miguel, he shares this pretty cool pyramid — Bloom's Taxonomy Triangle and DigiGogy.

This concept and alignment really is quite interesting and complex at the same time. The first question as a teacher that comes to my mind is.. 'where do I find the time?' Second question is... 'how do I learn all of this?' It goes without saying that today teachers and students can inquire, gather, research, apply and engage in a whole new way apart from traditional lecture, worksheet and multiple choice assessments, but the interesting perspective that I see is convergence. How do educators, students and communities bring all of these technology types together to apply teaching and learning strategies in a cohesive and sound approach. Twenty-first century skills are critical; applying them in a way that is intuitive and not a list of 28 individual resources will be the key.

I remember back in the late 80s, early 90s teaching computer literacy to 9th graders in West Texas... It was in isolation and in no context or alignment of standards to the core subject areas. We taught keyboarding, parts of the computer, spreadsheets and word processing. We would never think of doing that today. I believe social media and web 2.0 are perfect resources to connect Blooms taxonomy as students and teachers encourage higher-order thinking skills to concrete activities and in support of the core subject areas/standards. I do believe much like computer literacy became a part of our core instruction, a listing of multiple web 2.0 sources will move by the wayside into a convergence or community where all these resources reside and are integrated. Maybe even someday, students will pick up their iPhone and use a Twitter app to post and share, or live stream their project using uStream to collaborate with students across the district or the globe or post their digital storybook/video on their student blog.
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