I have been following the dialogue and engaging in the conversations about ISTE's Fair Use Guidelines for "conference content." It seems to me that the issue is about presenter content the stance on the ability to share, ustream, podcast, etc. this content that may/may not be copyright material.
The amended Code of Content reads:
For NECC 2008, ISTE’s permission is not required for non-commercial video and audio recording of sessions and workshops.I agree that these materials should not be used for commercial purposes as that takes away from the presenters own monetization and benefits the third party. However, the notion of sharing for the greater engagement opportunity is a plus. I guess the fine line is this... If I am a "teacher" and I take video and post to YouTube, Ning Communities or a Facebook profile, I, the "teacher" am not using it for commercial purposes, but I am providing content for the commericial profider, (social media group mentioned) which may make their revenue through Google AdWords or advertisement or subscription fees, plus, I am driving traffic to this commericial provider with my non-commercial intentions. This creates a whole series of secondary issues. Obviously, one would not directly package the video content and sell the content from a presenter, so that is a mute issue. I think companies could take the content gathered and possibly use for marketing purposes or testimonial alignment to their mission - that, I do not agree with without permission from the content provider or presenter.
However, for NECC 2008, written permission from the session or workshop presenter is required prior to capturing a video or audio recording. Any permitted recording should respect the presenter’s rights and not be disruptive.
Under no circumstances may any length or quality of video/audio capture be used for marketing, advertising, or commercial purposes without express written permission from both the session presenter(s) and ISTE.

Here is and excerpt from the recent post from the K12Online group on use of content and redistribution:
Read the complete post: Let the content be free! (following CC terms)Conveners for the 2008 K-12 Online Conference met this evening following our pre-conference fireside chat, and among other things discussed and reconsidered the previously announced request that K12Online conference presentations NOT be mirrored/file-shadowed on other servers.
Considering the points raised by several other K12Online participants as well as presenters, conference conveners have decided to change this request. Instead of restricting access to conference presentation files after they are published “live” during the conference, we say: Let the content be free! (Per the terms of the conference and presenters’ CC license, of course.)
I believe there is a middle ground and I support and share the approach of connecting, engaging and embracing the exhange of knowledge. I am hopeful that for the better of the purpose of these type of events we do consider the sharing of information and also find avenues for presenters, businesses, consultants, etc. to benefit as a result of sharing their content from a workshop session or presentation. We have a great model for making this happen that is a win for teachers, learners, presenters, businesses and organizations. The model...
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