Back-channels in the Classroom
Scott Snyder
Description: Backchanneling, traditionally an online discussion running alongside a
live presentation, is a way to engage all students in classroom
activities, including students who are normally non-participants.
Issues and student needs that lead me to the technique, the educational
relevance of the process, backchanneling services (including
possibilities and limitations of several), and example activities will
all be addressed in this presentation.
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Connecting Classrooms Across Continents: Planning and Implementing Globally Collaborative Projects
Kim Cofino and Jen Wagner
Description: Globally collaborative projects are an exciting way to engage your students in authentic learning across continents. Combining a variety of web 2.0 tools can remove the barriers of time and distance to connect your class internationally. Learning to collaborate in an online and inter-cultural environment will clearly be a critical skill for their future. Learn how to develop a successful global collaboration and participate in a real time project with Kim and Jennifer! Although aimed at elementary school, teachers of all levels will find inspiration and practical ideas throughout this video!
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Pushing the Limits: Web 2.0 and 21st Century Learning
Aimee Stoffel and Tanya Gray
Description: Tanya and Aimee have launched a pilot program that would put laptops and Web 2.0 technologies in the hands and minds of seniors in our rural Kansas high school. This presentation will discuss the layout of the class setup and background work needed for implementation, communicate the struggles and successes encountered and show examples of student work. Together we will provide educators with an in-depth glimpse of the possibilities that are out there for 21st century teaching and learning. The participants will go away with a wealth of knowledge of different Web 2.0 applications and how to use them in classroom instruction. The participants will see the layout of the class, hear pros and cons of the experience, and gather ideas for “amplifying possibilities” for technology use in their own classrooms. should be considered.
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Ramapo Islands: A New Dimension in Learning
Peggy Sheehy
Description: The team process of creating a virtual presence for your school, the development of authentic, experiential, standard-based curriculum & implementing it with students in Teen Second Life addresses the NETS for administrators, teachers & students and is an innovative approach to a collaborative and all-inclusive learning community. Focusing on the process of developing constructivist learning in the virtual world, Sheehy will present the steps her teachers are taking this 3rd year of teaching in Ramapo Islands on Teen Second life to translate their content into the virtual landscape. She will outline best practices that have evolved and the student responses to this 21st century pedagogical shift.
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