Last night
America, went out for weekly Tuesday meeting and so I had the kids at home to myself. After giving the critters their baths and getting them into their pjs, we got into the
Halloween spirit. With that, we pulled out all the gear from the attic and decided to create a haunted hallway. The kids love making tents with blankets and such so we pulled out some old black cloth we had and here's our spooky hallway.

The critters had fun decorating and creating our masterpiece, but I think what they really wanted was the tricks and treats. Neither happened. Instead, we grabbed some pillows and read Halloween books inside our haunted hallway until
Grace fell asleep.

It was fun to take a break from blogging and from the computer, but of course, that didn't last. So we, me, decided to pull out the trusty
iPhone and watch some great
Casper the friendly ghost YouTube videos to buy some more time and we found a great, well maybe not great, but fun app from the iPhone app store called '
Crazy Pumpkin.' It's a meaningless app that let's you creat your own pumpkin on your iPhone. Once you create your pumpkin, you shake your iPhone and it changes colors and makes scary and haunting sounds. It kept the kids happy for about 2 minutes. Worth the free download.
So what will you dress up as this Halloween? I'm sure that with the blockbuster hit,
Batman, The Dark Night, we will see plenty of
Jokers. But what else is out there?

Create your joke with The Dark Knight iPhone AppThe Dark Knight iPhone app takes your picture and allows you to add your own Joker elements to it.That got me thinking about the thought of a Web 2.0 Halloween. Not just with technology website, activities or tools for use with the kids, but simply dressing up. So here are a few that I found online as possible costumes for this year's Web 2.0 Halloween.

This year, I think I will go as a YouTube Video or some other scary Web app.

Have a great Web 2.0 Halloween!
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