Presentation Title: “Never Too Young”
Description: Teachers of our youngest students are often left behind when trying to implement new technologies into their curriculum. They may receive the “hand-me-down” equipment and issues related to teaching the youngest classrooms are not addressed through in-service. This presentation demonstrates 3 web 2.0 tools that are ideal for transforming learning to students in the early grades: Voicethread, Dipity and Blogging. The presentation consists of a screencast with a supporting wiki for links, examples and extended resources. Authentic student projects will be used in the demonstration and information given on implementation strategies for the teacher.
Click to view video.
Presentation Title: “Reading Revolution: New Texts and New Technologies”
Description: Our focus is on new texts and new technologies that educators can use to support readers. The tools of Web 2.0 offer teachers new ways to help students become better readers. We will focus on three main tools to allow our students to develop 21st century reading skills. First, we use blogs as tools for literature response. Next, we will use wikis to create online word walls to teach students new vocabulary. Finally, we will use podcasts to respond to literature through book reviews and author studies.
View wiki presentation.
Presentation Title: Open, Social, Connected: Reflections of an Open Graduate Course Experience
Description: The presentation unravels a recent open graduate course offering titled “Open, Connected, Social” that was offered at the University of Regina, Winter 2008. The presentation describes the theories influencing the course, types of open practice, reflections and outcomes, and goes on to the describe the emergence of “open teaching”.
Click to view video.
Presentation Title: “Promise into Practice: What it Now Means to Teach Adolescent Readers”
Description: It is a daunting and exciting time to teach English - especially as we consider the “shifts” in how we define literacy, and the toolset for our work as readers and writers continually expands. This session investigates one teacher’s work in studying her practice and students’ learning when she worked to bridge new literacies into “traditional” classroom practice.
Click to view video.
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