Web 2.0 Tools to Amplify Elementary Students’ Creativity and Initiative
Jackie Gerstein
Description: This presentation describes projects designed for students, ages 8 to 12, to use emerging technologies for engaging, thinking, learning, collaborating, creating, and innovating. It has its foundations in social constructivism whereby students drive their own learning experiences through educational networking using emerging technologies. An additional goal is using free, open-source, or minimal cost tools, so the project can be replicated.
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What Did You Do In School…?
H. Songhai
Description: This presentation will look at some very practical ways that students can use cell phones, MP3 players, digital cameras and a number of free Web based tools to document, organize and archive just about every important aspect of their high school career.
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Action Research as Catalyst for Change in Teacher Practice and Outcomes for Children
Elaine Newton
Description: Discussion of outcomes for children, teachers and families at two early childhood centres that are engaged in action research focused on introducing I.C.T. (Information and Communication Technologies) into teaching and learning programmes (and a brief description of the ECE ICT PL programme, and some features of early childhood education in New Zealand).
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Using Online Argument Role-Play to Foster Learning to Argue and Arguing to Learn in a High School Composition Class
Richard Beach
Description: I describe the use of online role-play in a 12th grade high school composition class using a class blog and a Ning forum. In a role-play, students adopt fictional roles associated with competing positions associated with influencing a final decision on an issue. Students were highly engaged in a Ning role-play on the issue of student Internet access in their school because they were assuming different voices, writing to multiple audiences versus just the teacher, and developing arguments to make proposals for actual changes in the school’s Internet policies.
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Traveling Through the Dark
Steven Kimmi
Description: This presentation examines how to get started using educational technology through metaphorical analysis of William Stafford’s poem, Traveling Through The Dark. Through this analysis we will look at the obstacles teacher’s face, the process of implementing technology into the classroom, and the role that others can play in the process.
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Video-Conferencing It’s Easy, Free and Powerful
Brian Crosby
Description: Through this Quicktime video presentation attendees will learn how free video and audio-conferencing software can easily be utilized to both access and share learning opportunities with students globally. In addition attendees will acquire the knowledge and resources necessary to use this valuable educational tool.
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Throwing the Box Away
Barbara Bray
Description: 109 K12 teachers and eMentors at Pinellas County Schools, Florida developed six 6 week cross-age cross-curriculum projects for their EETT grant in 2006-2007. This presentation describes the professional development and resources necessary for successful projects. Learn how teachers collaborated with teachers from other grade levels and designed standards-based real-world activities that engaged all students in the learning process. Examples, strategies, and evidence will be shared.
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We Like Our Blogging Buddies: The Write Stuff with Blogging Mentors
Kathy Cassidy and Patrick Lewis
Description: In the winter of 2008, Patrick Lewis’s university class of pre-service teachers were blogging mentors for Kathy Cassidy’s grade one students. This presentation talks about that collaboration and the results of the research that was conducted about the effect this mentorship had on the students’ writing.
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